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Contemporary ballet '1,2,3,4'

Premiere: September 21, 2019

1, 2, 3, 4 — these numbers symbolize the concept and structure of this project. For the first time, a ballet performance was created together by 4 choreographers who speak different foreign and dance languages. The project participants stuck to a single concept.

The number chosen by each choreographer has become the starting point for a creative search. But one way or another, the play sounds like the idea that everything in the world is closely intertwined — man and the cosmos mutually influence each other.

We will not reveal until the play who owns the authorship of each part. Is it possible, without knowing the sequence, to feel the energy of the dance of each country? Can dance become that universal language that will allow us to speak to each other, despite the barriers that exist in the world?

This ballet was a great experiment for Bhima, as he worked with four choreographers at the same time. The hallmark of the ballet is breathing work, this technique is fully revealed in the 1st and 4th parts of the play. It should also be noted the work with strings, the parts of which acquire a completely unusual sound, turning either into the noise or into the voices of birds. All the music in this work directly reflects the choreographer's ideas, it turns the action into a living canvas.

Art And Production Group

Director and concept author — Yuri Smekalove


Ksenia Wiest (Germany)

Helder Seabra (Portugal)

Yuri Smekalove (Russia)

Yael Cibulski (Israel)


Maria Seletskaya (Germany)

Veronika Frodima (Germany)

Niv Marinberg (Israel)

Emily McDaniel (USA)

Victoria Litvinova (Russia)

Composer — Bhima Yunusov

Scenography — Elisey Shepelev

Costume Designer — Nina Shterenberg

Video Designer — Sergey Rylko

Lighting Designer — Konstantin Binkin

Makeup Artist — Olga Kostenetskaya

Executive Producer — Rinat Dulmaganov

Снимок экрана 2020-06-10 в 17.38.49.png
Снимок экрана 2020-06-10 в 17.39.58.png
Снимок экрана 2020-06-10 в 17.40.46.png

Photos by Victoria Nazarova

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